eurobits becomes an active member of the European cyber security organization. The aim of the European Cyber Security Organization (ECSO) is to support initiatives and projects to develop, promote and strengthen European cybersecurity. In particular, the promotion of the European digital single market and its protection against cyber threats, the further development of the European IT security industry as well as the development of European cybersecurity solutions for the critical elements of reliable supply chains are in the foreground. ECSO accompanies the European Cyber Valleys pilot project. The project was initially launched with a term of 24 months to strengthen cross-regional cooperation in cybersecurity. The core element is the strengthening of the European competitive position through the joint development of networked research and development capacities as well as training and further education facilities. The practice-oriented coordination between the participating regions of North Rhine-Westphalia, Central Finland, Brittany, Estonia and Castile is intended in particular to improve long-term market access for small and medium-sized enterprises. Through its active involvement, eurobits benefits from increased European networking, its members from the increased international visibility and greater consideration in the awarding of contracts. It also improves access to EU funding programs and European research and development projects. Finally, there is the possibility of a common market development in European target markets within the framework of ECSO.
eurobits in European Cyber Valley
2019-03-20T12:40:06+01:0020. March 2019|