Welcome to eurobits e.V. – KOMON Analytics GmbH

Bochum, 13 March 2023 - We are very pleased to welcome KOMON Analtytics GmbH as a new member of eurobits e.V.. The Gummersbach-based company has set itself the goal of securing and advancing digitalisation through modern technologies. KOMON Analytics combines AI, cybersecurity and simulation to identify new attack opportunities at an early stage, develop [...]

2023-10-17T14:28:17+02:0013. March 2023|

Cybersecurity Scene in Germany – Ruhrarea nationwide at the top

The online magazine Deutsche Startups has highlighted the cybersecurity scene in the Ruhr area in a recent article. Almost all eurobits members are mentioned. The article emphasizes that no one in Bochum and its companies in the field of IT security comes by. In particular, the good infrastructure for start-ups from the ITS start-up [...]

2019-03-20T12:45:33+01:0020. March 2019|

Horst Görtz Institute sends new representative for eurobits board

Horst Görtz Institute sends new representative for eurobits board Friederike Schneider becomes a new member of the board of the European competence center for IT security | Bochum, 15.03.2019 | Friederike Schneider follows Dr. Sven Schäge as representative of the Horst Görtz Institute on the board of eurobits. Dr. At the end of February, [...]

2019-03-20T12:42:34+01:0020. March 2019|

eurobits in European Cyber Valley

eurobits becomes an active member of the European cyber security organization. The aim of the European Cyber ​​Security Organization (ECSO) is to support initiatives and projects to develop, promote and strengthen European cybersecurity. In particular, the promotion of the European digital single market and its protection against cyber threats, the further development of the [...]

2019-03-20T12:40:06+01:0020. March 2019|

Bochum wird die schnellste Stadt Deutschlands.

Bochum wird die erste Großstadt Deutschlands, die Privathaushalten und Unternehmen flächendeckend Internet mit Gigabit-Geschwindigkeit bietet. Dafür kooperieren Unitymedia, die Stadt Bochum und die Stadtwerke Bochum in einer gemeinsamen Initiative. Melden Sie sich bereits jetzt an und wir informieren Sie, sobald Gigabit an Ihrem Standort verfügbar ist.

2017-11-17T07:57:43+01:0017. November 2017|
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